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Vitality Emu Oil Products

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EMU OIL           ~Soft N Silky~ 
- All Natural - No Fragrance - No Added Ingredients
 --- 1 oz, 2 oz, 4 oz 

Moisturize and soothe irritated skin.  
      Used for all Skin types.  Absorbs Fast.  No oily residue.
Sore Muscles and Joints              Naturally anti-inflammatory properties
Pure unadulterated Emu Oil!        Maintain young and healthy skin.        
  • Transdermal—absorbs quickly through  all layers of skin  - No oily or greasy feel!!
  • Anti-Inflammatory—may help irritated red, itchy, and inflamed skin conditions. 
    •  Used for sore muscle and joint symptoms.
  • Hypo-Allergenic—for sensitive skin, and babies
  • Anti-Bacterial—minor cuts, and burns
  • Does Not Clog Pores—moisturize, soften fine lines and wrinkles—blemishes, redness

 Vitality Naturals uses refined emu oil that meets the stringent specifications for the Emu Oil Fully Refined Trade Rules and the AEA Certified Emu Oil Program established by the AEA (American Emu Association).              

         - Contain, Emu Oil, Natural Ingredients, and Essential Oils

· Facial Moisturizer—1 oz.—for fine lines, wrinkles, facial blemishes, & redness. Absorbs fast, no oily feel. Does Not Clog Pores!

· Hand & Body Lotion—8 oz.—for dry, cracked, skin conditions—for people who wash their hands often. Men’s favorite—no greasy feel.    

· Extra Strength Skin Care4 oz.— Jar or Bottle - Natural ingredients & emu oil concentrated to moisturize your skin naturally with fast resultstherapeutic use to soothe redness, itching, & inflammation due to chronic skin conditions.

· Lip BalmExcellent for dry, cracked lips, cold sores and fever blisters. Smooth, not sticky.

· Natural Soap—3 oz. bar—Cleanse, moisturize your skin—face & body.

· Joint & Muscle Rub—4 oz.—Emu Oil, menthol and essential oils.  For arthritis—type discomfort, tired feet, skin bruises, muscle strains & sprains, hands & feet with limited circulation. Odor dissipates, 30 minutes

· Ultra Emu Oil Gel Caps—90 ct.— Emu Oil naturally contains fatty acids the body requires—notably Omega 3 & 6 Essential Fatty Acids.  It has the highest concentration and best balance to support the cardiovascular, reproductive, immune, and nervous systems.




CVB Williston                                    Williston         ND

Snow IIe Greeting Cards, LLC           Southfield      MI

Sanford Bemidji Hospital Gift Shop Bemidji MN
Nord's Pharmacy Fosston MN

Natures Country Store - 2 stores Grand Forks ND
Billie's Soap and Spa - emu oil only Grand Forks ND
Walls Medical Center Grand Forks ND
Salt Therapies and Wellness Grand Forks ND
Classic Image Emerado ND

Vintage Point Fargo ND

Beulah Drug Store Beulah ND
Arrowhead Plaza Drug Bismarck ND
Crappy 2 Happy Junk Market Bismarck ND
Prairie Creek Bismarck ND
Terry's Health Products Bismarck ND
Bottineau Clinic Pharmacy Bottineau ND

Neumann Rexall Drug Cando ND

Medora C Store Medora  ND

Mott Drug Mott ND

Rolla Drug Inc. Rolla  ND
Dakota Drug Stanley ND

Larsen Service Drug Watford City ND
Barrett Pharmacy Watford City ND
City Shoe & Saddle Shop Douglas WY

Vitality's Favorites

Gift Certificate $15
Price: Gift Certificate $15
Gift Certificate $15
Gift Certificate $15
for Sore Muscles & Joints
Joint & Muscle Rub (was Pain Formula) 4 oz.
Price: $27.00
Joint & Muscle Rub (was Pain Formula) 4 oz.
Joint & Muscle Rub - 4 oz.
Skin Care Set - Skin Care, 1 oz. Emu Oil, & Lip Balm
Price: $34.00
Skin Care Set - Skin Care, 1 oz. Emu Oil, & Lip Balm
Skin Care Set - 3 Vitality Emu Oil Products to take care of your extra dry red or itchy skin. Extra Strength Skin Care, 1 oz. Emu Oil, and Lip Balm.
Vitality Emu Oil
2981 37th St NE
Inkster, ND  58244

218-779-3759 JoAnna
218-791-0319 Rachel